Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Feedback 30/11/10

A very good start Victoria! Great anaysis of genre - music magazines! Just a few additional things needed in your research!
Research to be done :

- For your audience - good research make sure you clearly outline who YOUR target audience is - young and rubucan catagory etc...
- Look on the uk tribes website and post some videos on your blog - http://www.uktribes.com/ (password = iblametheparents)
- 10 target audience questionnaires with feedback - graphs and charts to be put on your blog too.

- Genre: Look and analyse the conventions of the music genre/s that you will focus upon in the magazine - post some music videos (from youtube) on your blog that illustrate the kinds of artists that you would have in your magazine.

- Institution: who will publish your magazine - see the foundation portfolio blog - for links to companies

THEN you can move onto your planning - see the before you blog sheet for what planning needs to be done - this should be being done in class and for homework at the moment!

Miss McNulty

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