Monday, November 29, 2010


The characters that will appear in my media text will be a group of girl artists. This girl band will appear on my front cover of my magazine, as well as featuring in the two page spread. The three artists will be represented as fashion icons and pop/R&B sensations.
They will follow the stereotypical girl band like todays pop/R&B groups by how they dress. Speech will be kept normal and behavior will be portrayed well, so that they can be admired by the public.
Here are several girl groups that I find inspirational for my music magazine girl band:

The media use stereotypes to promote propaganda and target people's minds to influence their views towards a certain group of people.
Stereotypes can be used in a negative and positive way, depending on what the media wants people to think about that person/persons. Although, stereotypes are used by the media in a more positive way, to make the public believe something about people so that the public like, and look up to them. This is a way of becoming successful in propaganda of media products.

Walter Lippmann's four functions of stereotypes:

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